
When a Site is instantiated, it will try to load all plugins listed in the config plugins list.

If a plugin has an init_site function, it will be registered to be called on the site’s init event. See Lifecycle Hooks for more details.

Default plugins

Gilbert comes with some plugins by default.

Writing your own Plugins

Plugins are nothing more than a Python module that contributes a Content Type class, a loader function, a context provider, or an init_site hook callback.

Adding a Content Type

New Content Types can be created by sub-classing the gilbert.content.Content class.

This will register the class by its name.

Adding a loader

New file type loaders can be registered with the class using the Site.register_loader classmethod.

The following example will register a handler for files with a .toml extension:

from gilbert import Site

def load_toml(path: Path):
    data = toml.load(

    return '', data

 Site.register_loader('toml', load_toml)

A loader must return two values: content, and meta.

The first argument is expected to be a dict, possibly including a key ‘content_type’ indicating which Content class to use.

Extending the Context

Plugins can also register a Context Provider. These are called in turn by the Site.get_context method to update the Context.

A Context Provider is a callable that accepts a context dict, and returns an updated context dict.

The following example will register a Context Provider that adds the current time:

from datetime import datetime

from gilbert import Site

def add_datetime(ctx):
    ctx['current_time'] =
    return ctx


The register_context_provider method can also be used as a decorator:

def add_datetime(ctx):
    ctx['current_time'] =
    return ctx